FYOQ News For Your Omni Queries

January 27, 2010

Dreamhost Apple-A-Day contest announced for US residents

Filed under: World — Tags: , , , , — admin @ 7:14 am

Today Apple will announce about their major new product i.e. Apple tablet. On this eve, Dreamhost has announced a contest regarding the same. But the limitation is that, its only for US residents and not opened for all people outside US.

The condition to participate in this is that one should  not be employee nor related to employees of DreamHost.  And the most important of all, you do not require any eligibilty for this.

To participate in this contest you have to To enter, simply post a “tweet” via twitter that includes the word DreamHost in it (upper case and content of tweet do not matter… but spelling does!).

The prize for this is $10000 worth of Apple Tablet. If no such announcement made, then they will give 10000$ in parts to the winner. They will determine the number of winners by dividing 1000$ by the amount of an Apple tablet. The only condition is that one should not use the word fail in his/her tweet in the whole day, otherwise his all tweet will fail.

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