Aishwarya Rai has totally denied the news of Stomach Tuberculosis and Pregnancy Pause that was written yesterday in Mumbai Mirror ( a Mumbai local newspaper ). ANd his father in law Big B also have bitter remarks for the same.
Yesterday Mumbai Mirror reported that Aishwarya Rai is unable to bear a child because of her Stomach tuberculosis that she is suffering from. And as per Mumbai Mirror – Until the tuberculosis is fully cured, she is unlikely to risk a pregnancy.
Reading this article Amitabh Bachchan wrote in his blog that he is in deep anguish ,pain and disgust after reading this article. He told that – This article is completely false, completely fabricated, unsubstantiated, insensitive and of the lowest quality of journalism there ever was.
Here is the comment he wrote about the article in his blog –
“I am too incensed and angered by the contents above !! Not a single portion of the article is true !! I have much to comment upon on this, but shall hold on till another day. For the moment I have only this to say.
I am the head of my family. Aishwarya is not my daughter – in – law, she is my daughter, a woman, a lady in my house and home. If anyone will speak derogatorily about her, I shall fight for her till my last breath. If you have something to say to the men in the house, Abhishek or me, I shall bear it. BUT .. if you shall make injudicious remarks on the women in my home, I shall not tolerate it.”
Aishwarya Rai also told that – she is very shocked, appalled and extremely upset with the contents and she totally deny the report and its totally fabricated and false.
Here you can see what was the actual content of the article written in Mumbai Mirror and the bitter remarks of Aishwarya and Amitabh.
she is cute she is the nicest girl in the world
Comment by fatooma — June 7, 2010 @ 9:17 am