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March 14, 2010

Savant Pianist Derek Paravicini played piano on CBS 60 minutes – Youtube video

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A Blind savant from England Derek Paravicini was profiled on CBS 60 minutes today just few hours back. The way he played piano almost made everybody dumbstruck despite his inability to communicate verbally or physically.

Musical savant Derek Paravicini can remember and play a song after just one listen. He can also change its style or key instantaneously. Hear his Russian dance version of the disco classic in the video below.

Paravicini has ability to play any piece of music that he’s ever heard, he’s able to play them in any number of different styles, taking a show tune, for example, and playing it in a jazz style and back again as if he is simply changing the stations on a television by a remote.

Those who don’t know, what actually savants are – Here goes the definition made by savantacademy – “At their most spectacular level, savants possess abilities that surpass non-disabled prodigies and geniuses. Savants may demonstrate, for example, an ability to recite pages of text on a single hearing, to multiply six-digit numbers in their head, or to memorize and perform any song played for them just once. The 1988 film “Rain Man” introduced the concept of an autistic savant to a wider audience. Such prodigious savants are extremely rare. Fewer than fifty such individuals are thought to be alive in the world today, and fewer than one hundred such people have been noted in more than a century of literature on the subject.”

Check out Derek Paravicini video when he is playing Piano – Presented to you by CBS Online channel on youtube.

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