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May 29, 2010

HSC class 10 results of MP Board is declared at mpbse.nic.in

Filed under: Education,Results — Tags: — admin @ 4:52 am

Board of Secondary Education Madhya Pradesh has declared the results of class 10 HSC exam 2010. This results has been declared at the website of Madhya Pradesh at 4 PM.

Apart from the results of HSC exam, a State Level Combined Merit List and District-wise Merit List has also been declared at the website mpbse.nic.in. You can get the whole details regarding the results on this official website.


And this time a girl has topped this exam. the topper of HSC class 10 results of MP Board is Kri. Vartika Srivastava who have scored 584 marks out of 600 and grabbed the first position. At second spot, Ravi Kant Sharma is there with 580 marks. A list of top ten has been released by the website. You can check the list here .

Go to http://mpbse.nic.in/results.htm to check your class 10 results now.


  1. […] Read More Share and Enjoy: […]

    Pingback by HSC class 10 results of MP Board is declared at mpbse.nic.in | News URL — May 29, 2010 @ 5:17 am

  2. congrulation to you

    Comment by shubham gupta — June 5, 2012 @ 7:46 am

  3. Dear sir,

    Please send pdf file mp 10 th result 2010 .

    Comment by MANOJ SAXENA — January 6, 2015 @ 3:56 am

  4. Dear sir,

    please send pdf file mp 10 th result 2010.

    Comment by MANOJ SAXENA — January 6, 2015 @ 3:57 am

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