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February 3, 2011

Sanctum movie review and rating – Executive producer James Cameron

Filed under: Movies — Tags: — admin @ 9:22 pm

Name attached here with this new adventure thriller is none other than James Cameron who is the executive producer of this movie – Sanctum.

So here goes Sanctum movie review and rating and have a glimpse on the story and other features of this movie which are responsible for movie success.

Starring Richard Roxburgh, Ioan Gruffudd, Rhys Wakefield, Alice Parkinson, Dan Wyllie, Christopher Baker and directed by Alister Grierson, this movie fails to leave a good imprint on the viewers.

Movie meant to create panic and haunt you sometimes turn funnier which is not expected from this movie. Story is all clichéd and acting is also average. ( not good to be perfect).

Frank McGuire a Seasoned diver and his son is trying to explore an unexplored tunnel deep inside the Esa’ala Caves in the South Pacific and guess what comes next – they are trapped.

The survival strategy and to find a way out completes the story which has been seen many times in earlier. This suspense movie doesn’t create a terror on the audience and fail to create the thrill. Movie is watchable overall, but only once. Deserves 2 and half star rating.

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