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January 17, 2011

IDFC Infrastructure bond 2011 application form online for Tax saving over 1 lakh

Filed under: Business — Tags: , — admin @ 4:13 am

Tax saving in India which is limited to 1 Lakh Rupees only can be extended to 20000 more with help of these infrastructure bonds.

With this new tax benefit, one can save more Rupees upto 1.2 Lakh which is Rs 20000 more than the present one lakh Rupees.

This will begin from 17th january and ends till February 4th 2011. So there is almost 18 days period for applying to this infrastructure bond.

For more information regarding this, you can visit the official site of IDFC. Please visit this link for more information http://www.idfc.com/media_room/press_releases17.htm.

The Infrastructure Development Finance Company Limited also called IDFC is one of the India’s leading integrated infrastructure finance player providing end to end infrastructure financing and project implementation services.

Tata Steel FPO share price listing and price band

Filed under: Business — Tags: — admin @ 2:10 am

Tata Steel follow-on public offering (FPO) will open on January 19. It will last for 3 days till January 21 2011.

The price band for Tata Steel FPO share will be from Rs 590 to Rs 610. But one will definitely get the share at upper band of Rs 610.

Present price of Share is fluctuating between 610 to 625 Rupees. hence their seems a decent profits to the investors who will invest in this FPO.

Tata Steel has reports a net profit of Rs. 1978.81 crore in 2nd quarter in September 2010. Hence the investors seems optimistic in this.

This FPO is for 57 million ordinary shares of Rs 10 each of the company and company will use this big sum of money in expansion plans coming in Jamshedpur based Company. Listing will be made few days after FPO launch.

January 12, 2011

Vibrant Gujarat 2011 live streaming webcast – Over 1.8 crore committed already

Filed under: Business — Tags: — admin @ 5:06 am

Adani group and ANi Ambani led Reliance has already committed over 1.8 crores Rupees that will be utilized in various sectors in Gujarat.

Events that occurred today were Inauguration of Summit, Sectoral Seminars and Country/state seminars from Canada, USA, Australia, Rwanda, Mozambique and other.

You can watch the Vibrant Gujarat 2011 live streaming webcast tomorrow also from 9Am early morning. you can watch it here at http://www.vibrantgujarat.com/media-gallery/web-cast.aspx.

The events that will begin tomorrow are again some sectoral seminars followed by remaining country seminars and followed by Valedictory Function.

January 10, 2011

Toyota Prius V and Prius C launched at Detroit Auto show- Prices and specifications

Filed under: Business — Tags: , , — admin @ 11:18 am

Auto industry technological leader Toyota has added one other star in its popularity after Toyota launched their new models Prius V and Prius C today.

This new variant named as Prius V that was unveiled in Detroit Auto show offer 50% more cargo space than the currently available Prius models.

This new model Toyota Prius V is family friendly while the other new version Prius C seems meant for young enthusiasts.

Again these models seems to be creating a desperation among the youth and general public after its announcement.

The prices and other specification related to both upcoming models Prius V and Prius C will be update soon. Watch this page for more about Detroit Auto Show.

December 30, 2010

Greater noida authority draw results 2010 – GNIDA RPS02-2010 Residential Scheme draw results out

Filed under: Business — admin @ 1:00 pm

Greater Noida authority draw results 2010 has been announced today. This results can be checked now as it available on the official website.

GNIDA RPS02-2010 Residential scheme draw results has been declared on the official website of authority. You can check results at http://www.greaternoidaauthority.in/index.php.

Applicants can check their status in the RPS02-2010 Residential Scheme Draw results of general category and farmer category at the following link.

Te link for general category is http://rps02.greaternoidaauthority.in/rps02g.php and for farmer category results can be checked at http://rps02.greaternoidaauthority.in/rps02f.php.

Earlier site was stuck up due to heavy traffic, but now its available. You need to check when traffic is less on the website. Good luck for your results.

December 16, 2010

BSE holidays 2011 and NSE India Holidays 2011 full list

Filed under: Business — admin @ 10:17 pm

Bombay Stock Exchange India limited and National Stock Exchange of India Limited has declared the full list of holidays of coming year 2011.

Trading holidays for the calendar year 201 for BSEIndia and NSE India can be checked at the official website of BSE India and NSE respectively.

The holiday list for both is same. And first holiday of upcoming year 2011 begins with Republis day 26th January and ending with Moharrum on 6th Decmber 2011.

For BSE India holiday list visit this link http://www.bseindia.com/about/listholi_2011.asp and for NSE India full holiday list visit http://www.nseindia.com/.

ANd special notice from BSE India regardin holidays is – Muhurat Trading will be held on Wednesday 26th October, 2011 (which is Diwali Amavasya – Laxmi Puja).

December 14, 2010

MOIL share price and MOIL listing price

Filed under: Business — admin @ 10:28 pm

MOIL listing price has been fixed at Rs 375. And since the listing the share price of MOIL Ltd has not turned back. Its rising and rising.

The share price of MOIL has roared to as high as Rs 591 and at present its fluctuating around Rs 511 to Rs 515.

So the investor seems quite happy with the performance of public sector mining company shares which made its debut today.

As per the NSE website, MOIL IPO was subscribed by 56.43 times and it got total bids for over 1896,149,230 shares as against 33,600,000 shares on offer. It was a whooping Rs 1238 crore IPO.

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