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May 29, 2010

AIEEE 2010 results will be declared today

Filed under: Education,Results — admin @ 11:53 pm

All India Engineering Entrance examination AIEEE results for this year will be declared today. Its second most prestigious exam in India after IIT exam.


The results of AIEEE 2010 can anytime hit on the website. The results of this engineering entrance exam will be out at aieee.nic.in.

This result will decide fate of almost more than a million students of India. Their marks will decide whether thay can make it or not.

But the main problem is – the official result site is overloaded with traffic emerging to check th results of AIEEE 2010.

HSC class 10 results of MP Board is declared at mpbse.nic.in

Filed under: Education,Results — Tags: — admin @ 4:52 am

Board of Secondary Education Madhya Pradesh has declared the results of class 10 HSC exam 2010. This results has been declared at the website of Madhya Pradesh at 4 PM.

Apart from the results of HSC exam, a State Level Combined Merit List and District-wise Merit List has also been declared at the website mpbse.nic.in. You can get the whole details regarding the results on this official website.


And this time a girl has topped this exam. the topper of HSC class 10 results of MP Board is Kri. Vartika Srivastava who have scored 584 marks out of 600 and grabbed the first position. At second spot, Ravi Kant Sharma is there with 580 marks. A list of top ten has been released by the website. You can check the list here .

Go to http://mpbse.nic.in/results.htm to check your class 10 results now.

May 28, 2010

IIST declared ISAT results 2010 on official website with rank list

Filed under: Education,Results — Tags: — admin @ 2:49 am

Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology have declared the results of ISAT 2010 today. This result of ISAT exam has been declared by IIST few hours back – approximately 4 hours back.

ISAT 2010 rank list was published today. But the server is not responding properly due to heavy traffic on the website because of the high number of students searching for their rank.


One can check his rank on the official website http://www.iist.ac.in/IIST/ISAT2010/. Copy this URL and paste on the browser to see your results released by IIST. You have to try two or three times to see your rank.

The Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology which is declared as Deemed to be University under Section 3 of the UGC Act 1956, was set up under Dept. of Space, Govt. of India, and offers undergraduates B Tech programme in Avionics, Aerospace Engineering and Physical Sciences. IIST also offers post graduate and doctoral programmes to meet the requirements of Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). In addition to the regular curriculum, the courses will have special modules tailored to space technology and space science. IIST focuses on high-end research activities with the country’s space programmes and related innovative ventures.

May 27, 2010

WBJEE results Wet Bengal JEE results 2010 at banglarmukh

Filed under: Education,Results — admin @ 1:36 am

West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations Board has declared the results of WBJEE for this year 2010. This result of West Bengal has been declared at 3 PM today – a short moment back.

To check your West Bengal Joint Entrance Examinations you need to submit your enrollment number and press submit. Students can check the official site to get the results.


You need to visit Banglarmukh website. You can visit the site http://results.banglarmukh.gov.in/ to get the results of West Bengal 2010.

The site is opened now and student can check the results before it goes too late and server starts becoming unresponsive.

May 26, 2010

HSSC results class 12 results of Madhya Pradesh next

Filed under: Education,Results — admin @ 2:17 am

Madhya Pradesh HSSC results will be soon announced by MP Board of Examination. This result of class 12 will be announced at 4 Pm sharply at the official website.

One can check the results of Madhya Pradesh Board at the official website http://mpresults.nic.in/ and the rest of the details regarding the HSSC examination can be seen at MP govt website at http://www.mp.gov.in/MPResults/default.asp.


Check the results in 15 minutes and congratulation to the successful candidates. Results on 26th may 4:00 PM

WBBSE madhyamik result 2010 declared at Banglarmukh and wbresults

Filed under: Education — Tags: — admin @ 2:03 am

West Bengal Board of Secondary Examination Result of Madhyamik Pariksha has been declared for the year 2010. This results of West Bengal has been declared at 11 this morning.

The students who have given their test can now check their results at Banglarmukh website and wbresults. To see results at Banglarmukh website you need to visit http://results.banglarmukh.gov.in/ and http://wbresults.nic.in/madhyamik/wbmpres.htm.


You can get the result by submitting your roll number and press submit. The grade scale for this examination has also been published –
Grade Scale: 90-100 = AA (Outstanding); 80-89 = A+ (Excellent); 60-79 = A (Very Good);
45-59 = B+ (Good); 35-44 = B (Satisfactory); 25-34 = C (Marginal); Below 25 = D (Disqualified)
Grade in FL is determined on the basis of Total Marks/2

Students can get the details at official website of WBBSE at wbbse.org. You can also get the results from this oficial website for the eyar 2010.

May 25, 2010

IIT JEE results 2010 today

Filed under: Education,Results — admin @ 6:29 pm

Indian Institute of Technology Joint Entrance examination 2010 results will be announced today. The results will be announced any moments now.

This year in 2010, Around 4.72 lakh candidates appeared in JEE 2010 on April 11, 2010 and are wagerly awaiting their results which will be out anytime soon.

Earlier after the exam was over, Certain errors in the question papers as well as in the ORS came to light immediately. The IITs sincerely regretted the hardships that the candidates may have faced during the examination. The Joint Admissions Board held an emergency meeting in New Delhi on Sunday, 2nd May 2010 to arrive at appropriate corrective measures.


Error 1: The subject headings Physics and Mathematics in the ORS are interchanged.
Corrective Measure: Each ORS (both for Paper 1 & Paper 2) will be evaluated in two ways (sequential question number-wise and subject headings-wise). In each case the higher score of the two evaluations will be taken as the candidate’s score. Should one of the ways of evaluating lead to a mark below the minimum qualifying mark in one of the subjects, the other way will be deemed to be the ‘higher’ of the two scores.

Error 2: Question 44 in the Mathematics section of Paper 1 in code 4 of the Hindi version was not printed.
Corrective Measure: The ORS of the candidates who were given Code 4 of the Hindi version of the Question Paper 1 will be evaluated omitting Question 44 and the overall score for the Mathematics section of Paper 1 of those candidates will be appropriately scaled.

Error 3: The Instructions on “Question Paper Format and Marking Scheme” for section IV in the Hindi version of Paper 2 was wrongly printed. Each question in this section was shown to carry 3 marks instead of 8.
Corrective Measure: Each question of section IV of Paper 2 will be evaluated for 8 marks.

Error 4: In a few cases the question paper contained two unreadable pages and two partially readable pages in the Physics section of Paper 1.
Corrective Measure: Since the registration numbers of these candidates have been taken note of at the time of the examination, their ORS will be evaluated omitting the unreadable questions and their scores for the Physics section of Paper 1 will then be appropriately scaled.

The Joint Admissions Board decided to implement the above measures and to continue to monitor the situation till the process of Admission to IITs/ IT BHU and ISM Dhanbad through JEE 2010 is completed.

Regarding the results, you can check the results at http://jee.iitd.ac.in/. It will be out anytime soon.

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