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May 10, 2011

Character Dheela video song from ready movie of Salman

Filed under: Entertainment — admin @ 7:04 am

After the biggies of Salman Khan that left a huge imprint on his fan’s mind, here in pipeline is a movie which is ready to be released and its READY.

After his two big movie, the third one that will take your breathe away after wanted movie and Dabangg movie is the latest movie namely READY.

Two hit numbers are already in the list of good songs and they are Character Dheela hai and Dhinka chika dhinka chika song which is inspired by Ringa Ringa movie of Arya 2.

So here goes the video of one of the above mentioned video of this Ready movie and its Character Dheela video song featuring Salman Khan and Zarine Khan.

This movie will hit Big Screens very soon and expecting it gives the better result to Salman Khan than his biggest hit Dabangg also. best of luck for him.

May 9, 2011

Dance ke superstars giving rocking dance performances in Zee TV

Filed under: Entertainment — Tags: — admin @ 7:05 am

With the judges like Shyamak Dabur and Remo D SOuza the new concept of Dance reality show Dance India Dance which is brought to you by ZEE TV.

After DID 1 and DID 2 it followed DID LIL Masters Dance ke baap which was followed by Dance India dance doubles competition.

Adding to the charm then started, Dance ke superstars which features performaces of best dancers of both season of DID 1 and DID2.

The hot favorites among these are Siddhesh, Prince and undoubtedly Dharmesh Sir who has rocked the stage with his lyrical hip hop and different dance act.

Following this event, another sequel is in pipeline and its Dance India Dance season 3 which will begin shortly after end of this clash of dancers.

Hoping one will see the best ever dancers in the coming dance show and hoping some best talents come out of it and make it to the Bollywood cinema and even Hollywood.

April 13, 2011

Haunted 3d songs are pleasant to ears

Filed under: Entertainment — admin @ 9:56 pm

3d concept that triggered with the James Cameron movie Avatar and which later was followed in almost every movies seems now affecting India as well.

So here comes Haunted 3d movie – the first 3d movie of India and specially in horror genre definitely will give nightmare to those who are watching this.

So coming back from the movie – lets talk about the Haunted 3d songs. So the picture is all 3d means spectacular – so what about the songs of Haunted movie.

The songs of Haunted movies are Mujhe De De Har Gham Tera, Jaaniya, Sau Baras, Tera Hi Bas Hona Chaahoon, Tum Ho Mera Pyar, You’Re So Beautiful.

The songs that is favorite to me is obviously is Jaaniya which is written by Junaid Wasi. Lyricist of other songs are Junaid Wasi for maximum and SHakeel Wazmi.

Tum ho mera pyar by K K, Suzanne D’Mello is also a very pleasant song for your ears. Other singers who have contributed in this movie are Nikhil D’Souza, Jojo, Nazam Sheraz, Tia Bajpai.

After telling this much how can i forget Music Director: Chirantan Bhatt who has done a marvelous job by giving really good music to this movie.

So dont was your time and its time to give some good tonic to your ears by making them listen these really cool songs from Haunted 3d movie

April 11, 2011

First human space flight by Yuri Gagarin 50th anniversary is new google doodle

Filed under: Entertainment — Tags: — admin @ 5:09 pm

To mark the 50th anniversary of First human space flight, google has came up with new google doodle for this great day.

In this picture – a flight from Google search engine take place. After loading the Google.com, you will see a spacecraft launching from earth.

On this day in 1961, Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first person to achieve this rare feat for the first time.

He was the first human who completed his journey into outer space with his Vostok spacecraft.

After his first journey to outer space – he told that –

The feeling of weightlessness was somewhat unfamiliar compared with Earth conditions. Here, you feel as if you were hanging in a horizontal position in straps. You feel as if you are suspended.

SO this is our new Google Doodle to celebrate and remember this great event.

April 5, 2011

DID doubles winner – Who won Dance India dance doubles 2011

Filed under: Entertainment — Tags: , — admin @ 10:10 am

So the four finalists names are out on Last Friday. On the last elimination day on 1st of April Karan and Carling were eliminated.

Thus the four finalists that reached the grand finale are Amit & Falon, Cornell & Sonali, Saurabh & Vivek and last Vikram & Niharika.

Thus their are two teams from Marji Ke Mastaane group and one each from Geeta ki Gang and one from Rajeev Ke Rockers.

So take a guess who will win the grand finale event. Who will be voted with maximum votes among these fantastic four dance couple of India.

Vote and have a guess for DID doubles winner. This is not actual voting for official DID Doubles winner.

Who will win Dance India Dance doubles?

  • Amit & Falon (41%, 201 Votes)
  • Cornell & Sonali (26%, 130 Votes)
  • Vikram & Niharika (20%, 96 Votes)
  • Saurabh & Vivek (13%, 64 Votes)

Total Voters: 491

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Predict your winner and check whether it matches with the original Dance India dance winners or not.


Like our voting..Amit and Falon are DID doubles winner.

April 2, 2011

Wrestlemania 27 results – Let the predictions begin

Filed under: Entertainment — Tags: — admin @ 9:53 pm

Biggest WWE event of this year will be played today on April 3 2011. And further ahead results will start pouring out to your bucket.

So the predictions of the matches results begins. So before this, have a look on the fights that will take place today at this ring.

The main clashes of the night are – The Undertaker vs Triple H, Edge vs Alberto Del Rio, WWE Champion The Miz vs John Cena, Randy Orton vs CM Punk and Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole.

In the first game of The undertaker and triple H, predictions points to Undertaker as he has never given up at wrestlemania matches against any opponent.

After winning his first ROyal Rumble match. Del Rio is on high , but whether he will defeat Edge is a big doubt unless he has again some silly way to cheat.

Between Miz and John Cena, Because Cena is better and the new opponent Rock is ready who is gearing up as wrestlemania 27 host. Between CM Punk and Randy Orton, if everything goes straight then Randy will be winner and between Jerry the King and Michael Cole – of course King is the best.

So my prediction for Wrestlemania 27 results is this – let your prediction begins.

March 23, 2011

Ra one trailer of Shahrukh Khan on India Australia quarterfinals match

Filed under: Entertainment — Tags: , — admin @ 3:55 am

After My name is Khan – Shahrukh Khan will be back with his new action packed movie Ra one. This movie will be released on 26th October 2011.

This movie which features superstar Shahrukh Khan, Arjun Rampal and actress Kareena Kapoor has been directed by Anubhav Sinha under the banner of Red Chillies.

And well there is no doubt, most watched event of this year could be the quarter finals match between India and Australia. So they will be releasing the full trailer on that day.

Today in match of Pakistan vs West Indies, they shown just the glimpse of the trailer which will appear on the next day when most of the Indian have kept their eyes on TV.

This superhero Avatar of Shahrukh can be felt when the Ra One trailer strikes which is the short form of Random Access – Version 1.0. Though no doubt outfits of Shahrukh seems similar to Tron Legacy which was a sci-fi movie.

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