FYOQ News For Your Omni Queries

February 16, 2010

Alyssa Mendonsa made her debut with uff teri ada songs of Karhtik calling Karthik

Filed under: Entertainment — Tags: , — admin @ 7:36 am

Alyssa mendonsa has just made her debut with the movie Karthik calling Karthik. She has sung the famous number Uff teri ada.

The songs of Karthik calling Karthik starring Farhan and Deepika Padukone is already a hit among people. Alyssa mendonsa daughter of Loy Mendonsa has just made her debut with this songs.

She told in special interview that she wants to build her own identity and dont want to be called daughter of famous Loy Mendonsa.

In the recent songs released in bollywood, this Uff teri ada song is the most wanted song among the youths. the music and the voice of her is already a hit it seems right from the debut she will become the star.

Here is the video of the famous song. If you haven’t listen this and enjoy the simplicity of the song.

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