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September 21, 2010

Maeda Gorou (前田五郎) – Zero income

Filed under: World — Tags: — admin @ 11:23 pm

Sanspo and Jugem reported about Maeda Gorou( 前田五郎) and the zero income. Yoshimoto belonging to stand-up comedian, Kaus Nakada (60) threats on the case was sent home, his stand-up comedian Maeta Gorou the former (68) is “the offender named in the Weekly Asahi article, disgraced “As on April 21 oral arguments in a lawsuit seeking damages and a total of 11 million yen publication publisher Asahi Shimbun, Osaka District Court and was made to examine him

Met since last September and decided to sue Yoshimoto, Maeda appeared in public in one year. This day in court, the raspy voice, thoughts of suicide testified that in October last year. “I mentioned last will and testament. (Home) look down from the balcony, and many times thought easier.” However, two daughters, “the daughter of criminals” and expected to continue as a fear that it’s wish.

 The divorce also revealed a few years ago “when a fellow entertainers debt, he guaranteed. The collection is hard, and removed from a register as not to disturb the family,” he said. Has not worked since last May 1 was never warned of the rest from Yoshimoto Kogyo, and live off the subsidy over the life loan recovery agent that is in need.

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