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March 13, 2011

Japan earthquake and Tsunami pictures – Before and after by Google maps

Filed under: World — Tags: , — admin @ 3:32 am

After the worst earthquake and tsunami that occurred in Japan has almost stopped the country. The senario of before and after the destruction has completely changed.

Here you can see some of the places before and after the massive earthquake and Tsunami that hit the country badly in almost every areas.

Here some of the pictures of Arahama in Sendai, Yuriage in Natori, Fujitsuka in Sendai, Sendai Airport, Fukushima nuclear plant, Kashimaku in Minamisoma, Ishinomaki in Miyag and in many other places, damage can easily be seen,

TO check these pictures visit this picassa web folder of Google and have a look on the destruction of Japan due to this massive natural calamity.

Please pray for well-being of everybody who have been affected due to this. CLICK here to see the pics.

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