FYOQ News For Your Omni Queries

March 11, 2011

Japan Tsunami and Earthquake- Google Person finder app ready

Filed under: World — Tags: — admin @ 12:40 am

In Japan Northeastern coastal are an earthquake of magnitude 8.8 on Richter scale has hit the country badly in many areas.

An oil refinery has burnt, severe affect on Miyagi city of Japan. till now 8 persons has been reported dead and the search is on high.

A special task force has been send for relief purpose to the affected areas of Japan specially northwestern area of country.

A google person finder app has been released. To find a person follow this link. http://japan.person-finder.appspot.com/?lang=ja.

Tsunami warning has been given for 18 countries which includes Australia and New Zealand as well.

Alerts expanded to include the following: Philippines, Taiwan, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, New Zealand, NW Australia, & Hawaii

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