Today while tweeting, a News came across that spread  like a plague, that Johnny depp died. Its just a complete rumour. A website namely has made a false webpage of CNN News that reveals that Johnny Depp is dead.
As per the fraud Angelfire website ” Johnny Depp’s car was found along side a road outside Bordeaux, France, with the guard rail embedded deep inside the car.” If you will see that post properly you will get that it was written on March 25, 2004. That page designer even couldn’t edited the date that mentione just above the article under headlines. It could look more truthful if date would be of today.
Johnny Depp the star actor of The Pirates of The Caribbean” reportedly died today on March 25 2004 and i imagine who was acting in the 2006 movie of Pirates of The Caribbean Dead Man’s Chest.
S, guys please don’t worry Johnny Depp is completely safe and a rumor can’t let him die.
If you want to visit that fake webpage, you can go from here. God save this website owner. But no doubt his website is already hit.