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September 4, 2010

Teachers day messages and SMS for wishing your GURU

Filed under: Education — Tags: — admin @ 9:32 pm

Teachers day is being celebrated across different parts of India today. On every 5th of September this day is celebrated to remember and celebrate the teacher’s contribution in shaping your career.

This day is remembered because its the birthday of great Philospher and teacher of India Dr. Sarupalli Radhakrishnan. he changed Indian education system and gave India a different outlook. On his birthday every year this day is celebrated.

Students generally send gifts to their favorite teachers by wishing them a very warm Happy teachers day. Also they organised small get together to greet them with some sweet, gifts and some incredible performances.

SO to wish your Teacher a Happy Teachers day 2010, here are some of the SMS and wishes which you can message them via your phone number. Have a look on these great SMS.

You Guided Me When I Was Lost
You Suported Me
When I Was Weak
You Have Enlightened me all through
Happy teacher’s Day..

You are a wonderful teacher
who proved that learning can be joyous
and pleasant experience
wishing you a HAPPY TEACHER’S DAY

Click here for Some more SMS for teachers Day.

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