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February 23, 2010

Vancouver 2010 Figure skating – Yu Na Kim leading ladies short program Asada Mao second Joannie Rochette third

Filed under: World — Tags: — admin @ 9:46 pm

Figure Skating Ladies Short program tension rising as Yu Na Kim of South Korea and Asada Mao are desparate to win the gold. Joannie Rochette of Cabada in third spot and burst into tears after her performance.

kim yu na won figure skating short program gold
With 71.36 points, Rochette was in third place – a position continued to hold after the final skaters had taken their bows.

Mao Asada of Japan and Kim Yu-Na of South Korea are taking on their next episode of long-lasting ice rivalry.

Asada Mao, skating first, performed a flawless program and was rewarded with a score of 73.78 points. But when Kim Yu Na took to the ice, the crowd was struck silent as they watched Olympic history in the making.

With a clean program that included a triple Lutz-triple toeloop combination, a double Axel,a triple flip and some Bond-girl attitude, Kim put together a world-record performance.

Kim scored an unprecidented 78.50 points to take a big lead. And she has taken 4.74-point lead on Asada of Japan.

World champion Kim, 19, has dominated the season and is hot favorite to become the first South Korean Olympic figure skating champion.

February 22, 2010

Vancouver 2010 Olympics schedules results and medal counts – 22nd February

Filed under: World — Tags: , — admin @ 6:39 am

Sports fever is rising as the Vancouver 2010 Olympics reaches its climax. Only six days are remaining for Vancouver 2010 winter Olympics to conclude. And its the high time that involves all sports fan as the finals are approaching for all events.

US again leading as per expectations and are at number one position. US is at number 1 spot with 7 Gold 7 Silver and 10 bronze medals. US is followed by Germany with 6 Gold which is followed by Norway with 5 Gold.

What to mention regarding the schedule, every event is approaching its grand finale in few days. But for today here is the schedule of 22nd February.

9:00 – Curling – Men’s Round Robin Session 10
Canada vs United States
9:00 – Curling – Men’s Round Robin Session 10
Germany vs China
9:00 – Curling – Men’s Round Robin Session 10
Switzerland vs Sweden
9:00 – Curling – Men’s Round Robin Session 10
10:00 – Ski Jumping – Team 1st Round
10:45 – Cross-Country Skiing – Ladies’ Team Sprint Free Semifinals
Medal Event
11:00* – Ski Jumping – Team Final Round
11:35 – Cross-Country Skiing – Men’s Team Sprint Free Semifinals
United States vs Sweden
12:00 – Ice Hockey – Women’s Play-offs Semifinals – Game 15
Medal Event
13:00 – Cross-Country Skiing – Ladies’ Team Sprint Free Final
Medal Event
13:29 – Cross-Country Skiing – Men’s Team Sprint Free Final
Russian Federation vs China
14:00 – Curling – Women’s Round Robin Session 10
Japan vs Switzerland
14:00 – Curling – Women’s Round Robin Session 10
Sweden vs Canada
14:00 – Curling – Women’s Round Robin Session 10
Great Britain vs Denmark
14:00 – Curling – Women’s Round Robin Session 10
China vs Slovakia
14:00 – Ice Hockey – Women’s Classifications – 7th/8th – Game 16
Medal Event
16:45 – Figure Skating – Ice Dance – Free Dance
Canada vs Finland
17:00 – Ice Hockey – Women’s Play-offs Semifinals – Game 17
18:00 – Freestyle Skiing – Men’s Aerials Qualification
Germany vs Great Britain
19:00 – Curling – Men’s Round Robin Session 11
France vs Denmark
19:00 – Curling – Men’s Round Robin Session 11
China vs United States
19:00 – Curling – Men’s Round Robin Session 11
Switzerland vs Russian Federation
19:00 – Ice Hockey – Women’s Classifications – 5th/6th – Game 18

Well again the morning session starting with Curling which is followed Ski Jumping, Ice Hockey , Freestyle jumping and so on. If you want to check the full Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics schedules and results, do visit the official website.

February 20, 2010

Vancouver 2010 live – Medal counts and schedule for 20th february

Filed under: World — Tags: , — admin @ 6:37 am

Till today yet again US is the leading country in Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics. US has already won six gold medals six silver and 8 bronze.

The country trailing behind is Germany with 4 gold 5 silver and 4 bronze. Norway is following Germany with 5 golds 3 silver medals and two bronze. This is ranking as per medal counts and not on basis of Gold medals only.

Again 20th February started with Curling round Robin session 7 for men and events like Alpine Skiing, Ski jumping will precede Curling round.

Here is the full details of the matches as per schedule for today that will go live today in vancouver 2010 winter Olympics.

9:00 – Curling – Men’s Round Robin Session 7
France vs Germany
9:00 – Curling – Men’s Round Robin Session 7
China vs Great Britain
9:00 – Curling – Men’s Round Robin Session 7
Sweden vs United States
9:00 – Curling – Men’s Round Robin Session 7
Medal Event
10:00 – Alpine Skiing – Ladies’ Super-G
10:00 – Freestyle Skiing – Ladies’ Aerials Qualification
11:30 – Ski Jumping – LH Individual 1st Round
Norway vs Switzerland
12:00 – Ice Hockey – Men’s Preliminary Round – Group A Game 13
Medal Event
12:30* – Ski Jumping – LH Individual Final Round
Medal Event
13:30 – Cross-Country Skiing – Men’s 30 km Pursuit (15Classic+15Free)
Sweden vs Russian Federation
14:00 – Curling – Women’s Round Robin Session 7
United States vs Great Britain
14:00 – Curling – Women’s Round Robin Session 7
Denmark vs Switzerland
14:00 – Curling – Women’s Round Robin Session 7
Germany vs China
14:00 – Curling – Women’s Round Robin Session 7
Switzerland vs China
14:30 – Ice Hockey – Women’s Classifications – Game 13
Medal Event
16:15 – Speed Skating – Men’s 1500 m
Latvia vs Slovakia
16:30 – Ice Hockey – Men’s Preliminary Round – Group B Game 14
17:00 – Bobsleigh – Two-Man Heat 1
17:45 – Short Track – Ladies’ 1500 m Heats
18:29 – Short Track – Men’s 1000 m Quarterfinals
18:35* – Bobsleigh – Two-Man Heat 2
18:58 – Short Track – Ladies’ 1500 m Semifinals
Switzerland vs China
19:00 – Curling – Men’s Round Robin Session 8
Sweden vs France
19:00 – Curling – Men’s Round Robin Session 8
Canada vs Great Britain
19:00 – Curling – Men’s Round Robin Session 8
Russian Federation vs Slovakia
19:00 – Ice Hockey – Women’s Classifications – Game 14
19:28 – Short Track – Men’s 1000 m Semifinals
Medal Event
19:51 – Short Track – Ladies’ 1500 m Finals
Medal Event
20:05 – Short Track – Men’s 1000 m Finals
Germany vs Belarus
21:00 – Ice Hockey – Men’s Preliminary Round – Group C Game 15

After this 8 more days are remaining which will include mainly finals of all events. So stick on it and don’t miss them.

February 19, 2010

Vancouver 2010 – Schedule and medal counts 19th February

Filed under: uncategorized — Tags: , — admin @ 11:30 am

With Evan Lysacek winning the gold medal in figure skating, Unites states got their 6th Gold medal in Vancouver Olympics 2010.

At the end of 18th Feb, US is leading with 6 gold, 5 silver and 7 bronze making a total of 18 medals. At second position Germany and Norway is there.

Germany has managed a total of 4 gold, 4 silver and 3 bronze while Norway has managed 3 Gold 3 silver and 2 bronze.

Other team in the race are France, Korea, Austria, Switzerland. China and Russia.

Coming back to the schedule for 19th February, the day begins with Curling women’s Round robin session 5. Here is the full list of the remaining game for the day.
9:00 – Curling – Women’s Round Robin Session 5
Russian Federation vs United States
Live 9:00 – Curling – Women’s Round Robin Session 5
China 11 – 1 Denmark
9:00 – Curling – Women’s Round Robin Session 5
10:00 – Ski Jumping – LH Individual Qualification Round
Medal Event
11:30 – Alpine Skiing – Men’s Super-G
Belarus vs Sweden
12:00 – Ice Hockey – Men’s Preliminary Round – Group C Game 10
Medal Event
13:00 – Cross-Country Skiing – Ladies’ 15 km Pursuit (7.5Classic+7.5Free)
Germany vs Switzerland
14:00 – Curling – Men’s Round Robin Session 6
Denmark vs Canada
14:00 – Curling – Men’s Round Robin Session 6
France vs United States
14:00 – Curling – Men’s Round Robin Session 6
Norway vs China
14:00 – Curling – Men’s Round Robin Session 6
15:45 – Skeleton – Women’s Heat 3
Czech Republic vs Latvia
16:30 – Ice Hockey – Men’s Preliminary Round – Group B Game 11
16:45 – Figure Skating – Ice Dance – Compulsory Dance
Medal Event
16:55* – Skeleton – Women’s Heat 4
18:20 – Skeleton – Men’s Heat 3
Denmark vs Canada
19:00 – Curling – Women’s Round Robin Session 6
Sweden vs China
19:00 – Curling – Women’s Round Robin Session 6
Great Britain vs Japan
19:00 – Curling – Women’s Round Robin Session 6
Switzerland vs Russian Federation
19:00 – Curling – Women’s Round Robin Session 6
Medal Event
19:50* – Skeleton – Men’s Heat 4
Finland vs Germany
21:00 – Ice Hockey – Men’s Preliminary Round – Group C Game 12

The matches will continue till the end of the month and the entertainment is totally guaranteed.

Evan Lysacek won first Gold in figure skating in winter Olympics – Defeated Yevgeny Plushenko

Filed under: World — Tags: , — admin @ 3:19 am

Evan Lysacek provided the sixth gold medal for US in this WInter Olympics. And in figure skating its the first men’s gold for United States.

He defeated former champion Yevgeny Plushenko of Russia who grabbed the silver medal and Daisuke Takahash of Japan got the bronze in Figure Skating today.

Evan Lysacek ended the hope of three times world champion Yebgeny Plushenko by a margin of only 1.31 points. Thanks for Plushenko shaky landing.

Since Brian Boitano won at the 1988 Calgary Games, Lyascek became American to win that title for his country and thus ended the supremacy of Russia in this game.

Few years back , he had got injured and thought couldn’t stake ever in his life, but his hard work materialized and he won his first goal for the country in Figure Skating.

He told that ” I never tried to get excited after each jump, I wanted to pump my fist every time. I am now very happy after having the gold and its making me very proud.

February 18, 2010

Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics medal counts and schedules for today

Filed under: sports,World — Tags: , , — admin @ 4:15 am

Against all odd, again United States is leading the medal chart with a total of 14 medals so far. US is followed by Germany thereafter France in the medal race in Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics.

US has won 5 Golds, 3 Silver and 6bronze While second topper Germany has won 3 Golds 4 Silver and 3 bronze medals. France is following with 2 Gold medals 1 silver and 4 bronze adding to a total of 7 medals. This is the medal counts for top three countries.

Other teams following these three leaders are Canada, korea, Austria, Norway, Switzerland, China and Italy.

Talking about the Schedules for today, February 18 will start with Curling Men’s Round Robin Session 4. Other events scheduled for today are as followed.

9:00 – Curling – Men’s Round Robin Session 4
Germany vs Norway
9:00 – Curling – Men’s Round Robin Session 4
Canada vs Sweden
9:00 – Curling – Men’s Round Robin Session 4
Great Britain vs Switzerland
9:00 – Curling – Men’s Round Robin Session 4
9:30 – Alpine Skiing – Ladies’ Super Combined Downhill
Medal Event
10:20 – Biathlon – Women’s 15 km Individual
United States vs Norway
12:00 – Ice Hockey – Men’s Preliminary Round – Group A Game 7
Medal Event
12:30 – Alpine Skiing – Ladies’ Super Combined Slalom
12:30 – Snowboard – Ladies’ Halfpipe Qualification
Medal Event
13:00 – Speed Skating – Ladies’ 1000 m
Medal Event
13:20 – Biathlon – Men’s 20 km Individual
Canada vs Germany
14:00 – Curling – Women’s Round Robin Session 4
China vs Japan
14:00 – Curling – Women’s Round Robin Session 4
Russian Federation vs Great Britain
14:00 – Curling – Women’s Round Robin Session 4
Denmark vs United States
14:00 – Curling – Women’s Round Robin Session 4
United States vs Finland
14:30 – Ice Hockey – Women’s Preliminary Round – Group B Game 11
16:00 – Snowboard – Ladies’ Halfpipe Semifinals
16:00 – Skeleton – Women’s Heat 1
Switzerland vs Canada
16:30 – Ice Hockey – Men’s Preliminary Round – Group A Game 8
Medal Event
17:00 – Figure Skating – Men Free Skating
17:10* – Skeleton – Women’s Heat 2
Medal Event
18:00 – Snowboard – Ladies’ Halfpipe Finals
18:30 – Skeleton – Men’s Heat 1
Sweden vs China
19:00 – Curling – Men’s Round Robin Session 5
Great Britain vs Denmark
19:00 – Curling – Men’s Round Robin Session 5
Norway vs Switzerland
19:00 – Curling – Men’s Round Robin Session 5
France vs Canada
19:00 – Curling – Men’s Round Robin Session 5
China vs Russian Federation
19:00 – Ice Hockey – Women’s Preliminary Round – Group B Game 12
20:00* – Skeleton – Men’s Heat 2
Slovakia vs Russian Federation
21:00 – Ice Hockey – Men’s Preliminary Round – Group B Game 9

The match for today will start in a few moment , so enjoy the cold and the live matches out there.

February 17, 2010

Thomas vonn – Husband of Lindsey Vonn ( not boyfriend) is delighted

Filed under: uncategorized — Tags: , — admin @ 8:51 pm

Thomas Vonn husband of Lindsey Vonn ( definitely not boyfriend as people would think) was very delighted after watching her wife win the first gold medal in history of America in Women’s downhill.

thomas vonn lindsey vonn kissing
Despite her previous injury, she fought back and was very desperate to win the gold for his country and she has proved that with determination, one can do anything he/she desires.

Regarding Thomas Vonn, he was the World Cup overall champion in 2008 and 2009 and 2010 Olympic Gold Medalist. They were married on September 29, 2007, at the Silver Lake Lodge in Deer Valley, Utah.

Thomas told that “I’m a coach one day, a media-something the next day, I’m grabbing the bags the next, Mostly I just support her. She does incredible things.”

Lindsey told after winning the Gold that She was in a good place mentally. She wasn’t really nervous and was focused towards her goal.

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